While You Were Away...
Facullty and Student Features Through The Years

Articles taken mostly from GSM Publications through the years. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized Adobe pdf file.
John Clarke, 1989 Nick Vitilari, 1989 Carla Larsson, 1990 Carlton Scott, 1990 Mary Gilly, 1990
Jone Pearce, 1990 Joe Maguire, 1990 Mary Gilly, 1991 Judy Rosener, 1992 Vijay Gurbaxani, 1992
Newt Margulies, 1992 Judy Rosener, 1993 Jone Pearce, 1993 Newt & Joe, 1994 Alladi Venkatesh, 1994
Jone Pearce, 1995 Nick Vitilari, 1996 Vijay Gurbaxani, 1996 John Clarke, 2003 Mary Gilly, 2003


Alladi Venkatesh, 2003 Vijay Gurbaxani, 2003      
Jill Casselman, 1990 Wayne Lowell, 1992 Don Giudice, 1996 Charles Reickhoff, 1996